Joshua Cabe Johnson

Since 2002, Joshua has enjoyed different levels of internet marketing that has expanded from direct sales copy to SEO Link Building.
GTS Link Building was founded in the early Spring of 2008 by owner Joshua Cabe Johnson.
Establishing an early interest in Link Building, he began his journey in researching his influenced mentors and competitors, and learning the objective in ranking well in the Search Engines. In early 2010, the competitive market of SEO Link Building became increasingly popular as well known SEO's developed higher end bots for posting content to sites worldwide.
The problem with this new movement was the overwhelming act of 'shady' link building...
This was when Joshua began his mission to not only ensure quality link building, but to do his best in creating a white hat link building standard in the industry.
Joshua, is now well known among top SEO's for establishing trusted relationships, delivering powerful and long term search engine results, and having an intuitive perspective on current direct and indirect signals that help a site rank and rank well.
In 2015, Joshua launched a high end SEO Program that is 100% risk free and guaranteed not to penalize your website from Google.
Contact Joshua Cabe @
JoshuaCabeJohnson - @
Skype: joshuacabejohnson